X-ray Technician

 X-ray Technician

A X-ray Technician is a radiologist who specifically focuses on only certain parts of the body and are responsible for limited scopes of care. As of 2022 the median pay in this field was $67,180 per year but this can vary depending on the state you work in as well as the facility you choose to be employed by. This career has a 6% growth rate from 2022 to 2032. If you are interested read further to see what education is needed, work environment and job responsibilities.


For this job you will need predominately science classes such as anatomy, chemistry, biology and physics. You will need to obtain an associates degree first then following that you will need to attend an accredited radiography program. This can be done through a college or even sometimes a hospital where they will give you a degree along with the schooling necessary before entering the field. Next you will need to take a certification exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Depending on your state you may even need to complete additional state licensure requirements. 

Work Environment

Work environment can greatly be different depending on the facility you wish to be employed by. Hospitals employ 58% of x-ray technicians while private offices, laboratories, outpatient care centers and the federal government make up 35%. Hospitals can be more fast paced as well as enduring a bunch of patients needing care ranging in problems. When working in a hospital you can expect better pay and benefits which can compensate for the non ideal work schedule. Private offices are appointment only based so when working in this type of environment you can expect to do a lot of the same images versus not knowing what to expect like a hospital. However in private offices the pay and benefits may not be as good. Outpatient care centers have qualities of both the hospital and a private office. 

Job Responsibilities

As an X-ray technician you will properly maintain equipment, follow orders of physicians and provide proper patient care. You will need to provide proper patient care by being kind, sympathetic and also performing your job to your best ability. A part of this job is positioning the patient and equipment in the proper spot to get the best images of the problematic area. You will need to be computer savvy and capable of evaluating the images you took. All in all this is a great field to get into!

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